1.give sb. tight shoes to wear -- deliberately put sb. to trouble; be punished underhand; get underhand punishment; give (sb.) a hard [tough] nut to crack; make things hard for sb. by abusing one's power
◎ 穿小鞋 chuān xiǎoxié
[make things hard for sb.by abusing one's power;meet obstacle created deliberately by others] 比喻受到别人利用职权暗中给予的刁难、报复或施加的约束、限制
比喻暗中打击或刁难别人。 柳青 《狠透铁》:“他早知道副队长总给他穿小鞋,故意看他的笑话。” 韦君宜 《老干部别传》:“请他万万不要把自己的姓名泄漏了,以免万一被人家穿小鞋。”