[1] 邓家栋主编:临床血液学,上海科学技术出版社,上海,1985
[3] 陈娟:DIC的若干进展。国外医学内科学分册1984;11:234
[4]Nossel HL:Relativeproteolysis of the fibrinogen B Chain by thrombin and plasmin as a determinentof thrombosis. Nature 1981;291:165
[5]Feinstein DI: Diagnosis and management of DIC:The role of heparin therapy.Blood1982;60:284
[6]Colman RW:DIC-An approach review.Am J Med 1972;52:679
(公元 1347 年)元.朱震亨(彦修、丹溪)着。一卷。主张人身阳常有余,阴常不足,阐明补阴疗法。
[1] 邓家栋主编:临床血液学,上海科学技术出版社,上海,1985
[3] 陈娟:DIC的若干进展。国外医学内科学分册1984;11:234
[4]Nossel HL:Relativeproteolysis of the fibrinogen B Chain by thrombin and plasmin as a determinentof thrombosis. Nature 1981;291:165
[5]Feinstein DI: Diagnosis and management of DIC:The role of heparin therapy.Blood1982;60:284
[6]Colman RW:DIC-An approach review.Am J Med 1972;52:679