1 Ruszniewski P,Laucournet H,Mignon M,et al.Long-acting somatostatin(SMS201-955)in the management of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome:evidence for Sustained efficacy.Pancreas,1988;3(2):145
2 Vinik AL,Lloyd R,Cho K.The use of somatostatin analog in gastro enteropancreatic tumors other than carcinoid.Metabolism,1990;39(9suppl):156
3 Mozell EJ,Katz MD,Baxter JN,et al.Long-term efficacy of octreotide in the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.Arch Surg,1992;127:1019
4 Fluckiger A.Long-term therapy of a metastasizing pancreatic vipoma using the somatostatin derivative octreotide.Schwei Med Wochenschr,1992;122:1221
5 Maton PN,Hanks JB,Jekins SA,et al.Use of gut peptide receptor agonists and antagonists in gastrointestinal disease.Gastroentreol Clin North Am,1992;21:551
6 Kvols LK,Becher V,Steerml.Treatment of the malignant carcinoid Syndrome.NEJM,1986;315:663
7 Kvols LK.Therapeutic considerations for malignant carcinoid syndrome.Acta Oncol,1989;28(3):433
8 Yinik A,Binder M,Choil TK,et al.Treatment of the carcinoid syndrome with the somatostatin analogue.Dig Dis Sci,1989;34(1):14
9 Joensum H,Burroughs AK.Dramatic response of a metastatic careimo id tumor to a comibnation of interferon and octreotide.Acta EndocrinolCopenh,1992;126:184
10 Glaser B,Rosler A,Halperin Y.Chronic treatment of a benign insulinoma using the longacting somatostatin analogue SMS201-955.Isr J Med Sci,1990;26(1):16
11 Verschoor L,Uitterlinden P,Lamberts SW,et al.On the use of anew somatostatin analogue in the treatment of hypoglycaemia in patients with insulinoma.Chin Endocrinool,1986;25(5):555
12 Vanceml.Long-term treatment of18acromegalic patients with thesomatostatin analog octreotide.Arch Intern Med,1991;151:1573
14 Maton PN,Kussin P.The use of the long-acting somatostatin analogue,octreotide acetate.in patients with islet cell tumors.Gastroenterol Clin North Am,1989;18:897
15 Lorcy Y,Derennes V,Delanbre C,et al.Remission of recurrent Cushing’s disease with an analog of somatostatin(letter).Presse Med,1988;17:1217
16 Zhu X F,Melmed S,Torres AJ,et al.Effect of small doses of somatostatin analog.octreotide,on gallbladder contractility in normal chinese adults.Dig Dis Sci,1992;37(1):105
关键词]:奥曲肽 消化系
1 胃泌素瘤
2 血管活性肠肽瘤
3 类癌综合征
类癌肿瘤(Carcinoid tumor)是常见的神经内分泌肿瘤,易发生肝转移。奥曲肽治疗类癌综合征效果较好,临床资料表明[5]奥曲肽治疗类癌综合征的效果为:90%以上病人症状(如潮红与喘鸣)改善,67%病人尿5-羟吲哚乙酸、5-羟色胺酸降低,症状复发者增加剂量仍有效、对类癌危象用奥曲肽(50~1000μg/h)持续静脉滴注有良效。Kvols等[6]应用奥曲肽治疗25例恶性类癌综合征,22例病人治疗后面红、腹泻症状减轻,18例病人治疗后5-羟基吲哚乙酸浓度下降过50%以上。在另一组28例病人中加大奥曲肽的剂量(500μg,每天3次,皮下注射),大部分病人治疗后症状改善,所有病人5-羟基吲哚乙酸水平均降低,其中,18例病人下降超50%,同时发现4例病人肿瘤明显缩小(>50%)。与联合化疗相比奥曲肽的治疗效果较好,病人生存期明显延长[7]。对转移性类癌奥曲肽不但能显著改善症状,且与α-干扰素有协同作用[8,9]。
4 胰岛素瘤
5 生长激素释放激素(GHRH)瘤
6 胰高糖素瘤
7 胰源性异位Cushing’s综合征
8 副作用
9 小结
1 Ruszniewski P,Laucournet H,Mignon M,et al.Long-acting somatostatin(SMS201-955)in the management of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome:evidence for Sustained efficacy.Pancreas,1988;3(2):145
2 Vinik AL,Lloyd R,Cho K.The use of somatostatin analog in gastro enteropancreatic tumors other than carcinoid.Metabolism,1990;39(9suppl):156
3 Mozell EJ,Katz MD,Baxter JN,et al.Long-term efficacy of octreotide in the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.Arch Surg,1992;127:1019
4 Fluckiger A.Long-term therapy of a metastasizing pancreatic vipoma using the somatostatin derivative octreotide.Schwei Med Wochenschr,1992;122:1221
5 Maton PN,Hanks JB,Jekins SA,et al.Use of gut peptide receptor agonists and antagonists in gastrointestinal disease.Gastroentreol Clin North Am,1992;21:551
6 Kvols LK,Becher V,Steerml.Treatment of the malignant carcinoid Syndrome.NEJM,1986;315:663
7 Kvols LK.Therapeutic considerations for malignant carcinoid syndrome.Acta Oncol,1989;28(3):433
8 Yinik A,Binder M,Choil TK,et al.Treatment of the carcinoid syndrome with the somatostatin analogue.Dig Dis Sci,1989;34(1):14
9 Joensum H,Burroughs AK.Dramatic response of a metastatic careimo id tumor to a comibnation of interferon and octreotide.Acta EndocrinolCopenh,1992;126:184
10 Glaser B,Rosler A,Halperin Y.Chronic treatment of a benign insulinoma using the longacting somatostatin analogue SMS201-955.Isr J Med Sci,1990;26(1):16
11 Verschoor L,Uitterlinden P,Lamberts SW,et al.On the use of anew somatostatin analogue in the treatment of hypoglycaemia in patients with insulinoma.Chin Endocrinool,1986;25(5):555
12 Vanceml.Long-term treatment of18acromegalic patients with thesomatostatin analog octreotide.Arch Intern Med,1991;151:1573
13 Eijeck CHJ.Somatostatin receptor-dependent growth inhibition ofliver metastases by octreotide.Br J Surg,1994;81(9):1333
14 Maton PN,Kussin P.The use of the long-acting somatostatin analogue,octreotide acetate.in patients with islet cell tumors.Gastroenterol Clin North Am,1989;18:897
15 Lorcy Y,Derennes V,Delanbre C,et al.Remission of recurrent Cushing’s disease with an analog of somatostatin(letter).Presse Med,1988;17:1217
16 Zhu X F,Melmed S,Torres AJ,et al.Effect of small doses of somatostatin analog.octreotide,on gallbladder contractility in normal chinese adults.Dig Dis Sci,1992;37(1):105