Englishrugged land of sand and pebble; poor and barren (of land) (same as 鏃) the barb of an arrow, arrowhead; the head of a javelin康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䃚
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《廣韻》《集韻》𠀤千木切,音簇。碌䃚,石地不平貌。 又《集韻》仕角切,音濯。義同。 又《正字通》一說與鏃通。《李賀·黃家洞詩》雀步蹙沙聲促促,四尺角弓靑石䃚。註:漢書:挹婁國,弓長四尺,砮以靑石爲鏃,因箭鏃用石,故俗作䃚。
● 磪
cuī ㄘㄨㄟˉ
◎ 〔磪嵬〕古同“崔嵬”,(山)高峻。
Englishto wear out; rubbed out; to die out; to wear away; frayed康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䂱
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Englishmillstone; grindstone, to rub; to grind; to polish; to wear, to sharpen ( a knife), to train; to harden; to temper康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䃀
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《廣韻》七內切《集韻》取內切,𠀤音倅。磑也。 又《五音集韻》楚懷切。㼽也。
● 磋
cuō ㄘㄨㄛˉ
◎ 古代称把象牙加工成器物,引申为仔细商量:切(qiē)磋。磋商。
Englishgravel; macadam (interchangeable 剉) to damage; to destroy, medicines; orpiment (As2S3)康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䂳
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《廣韻》倉果切《集韻》取果切,𠀤音脞。碎石也。 又《玉篇》叉瓦切,音𠷃。好雌黃也。
Englisha stone build hydraulic measures ( to store and to vent the water) in ancient times, rocks in the mountain stream康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䃮
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● 砃
dān ㄉㄢˉ
◎ 白石。
Englisha silicate substance from the salt-wells in Szechwan; it is used as a wash for hardening plaster, etc., also for certain skin diseases, like ringworm, sulphate of copper康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䃫
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● 砀
dàng ㄉㄤˋ
◎ 有花纹的石头。
◎ 被冲荡而出:“奇舟之鱼,砀而失水,则蚊能苦之”。
◎ 振荡:“回猋肆其砀骇兮”。
◎ 广大:“玄玄至砀而运照”。