● 銞
jūn ㄐㄩㄣˉ
◎ 古同“钧”。
Englishto ornament; to decorate, to push康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䤭
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Englisha branding-iron, to solder康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䥗
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《廣韻》口煥切《集韻》苦渙切,𠀤音䲌。《廣韻》燒鐵炙也。《集韻》一曰灼鐵以識𥳑次。 又《廣韻》苦管切《集韻》苦緩切,𠀤音款。義同。 又《廣韻》䥗縫。《字林》䥗刻也。今于紙縫上署記,謂之䥗刻。
● 鋫
lí ㄌㄧˊ
◎ 黑金。
● 錅
lí ㄌㄧˊ
◎ 金属。
◎ 剥;裂。
◎ 釜一类的器物。
English(same as 鬲) cooking utensil used in old times, sacrificial vessel; a heavy three-legged caldron; huge tripod of bronze with two ears康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䥶
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《廣韻》與鎘同。鼎屬。《吳越春秋》見兩䥶蒸而不炊。《左思·嬌女詩》心爲茶荈劇,吹噓對鼎䥶。《抱朴子·黃白卷》於䥶中加微火。【 漢 典 網】
Englisha sickle, a reaping-hook, an angle of the arrowhead, medical instrument used in old times
● 鎏
liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ
◎ 成色好的黄金。
◎ 同“镏1”。
● 鏧
lóng ㄌㄨㄥˊ
◎ 〔鏧鏧〕鼓声。
Englishsound of drums; loud music, to beat the drum and to keep the watches at night康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䥢
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《廣韻》力冬切《集韻》盧冬切,𠀤音䃧。鼓聲,本作鏧。 又《集韻》魯宋切,䃧去聲。又《五音集韻》七役切,音𥄎。義𠀤同。