English(same as U+976A 靪) to mend the soles of shoes, patchings; (same as U+97AE 鞮) leather shoes康熙字典【備考】【戌集】【革字部】䩘
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English(interchangeable 靪) to mend the soles of shoes, patchings, (same as 鞮) leather shoes康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】䩚
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《廣韻》都計切《集韻》丁計切,𠀤音帝。《玉篇》䩚,鞋也。《集韻》本作靪。詳前靪字註。 又《集韻》都黎切,音低。又田黎切,音題。義𠀤同。本作鞮。詳後鞮字註。
● 靪
dīng ㄉㄧㄥˉ
◎ 补鞋底。亦指衣袜上的补缀处。
◎ 马鞍两侧的踏脚镫,亦作“镫”。
汉语字典[①][dù][《廣韻》徒古切,上姥,定。]座垫。音韵参考[广 韵]:徒古切,上10姥,dù,遇開一上模定
● 韇
dú ㄉㄨˊ
◎ 箭筒:“弓鞬韇丸一,矢四发。”
◎ 古代占卜用的耆草筒:“筮人执策抽上韇。”
English(same as 韣) a quiver; bow case康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】䪅
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Englishthe hem; margin of the heel of a shoe, weeping sash or cord on a saddle, a leather rope, fringes of pearls on crowns, a pennant, (same as 鞶) a large belt康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】䩔
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《玉篇》徒果切,音墮。履跟緣也。同𩊜。 又《集韻》師銜切,音衫。本作𩌰。詳後𩌰字註。
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《廣韻》他胡切《集韻》通都切,𠀤音㻌。《廣韻》𩍿䩣,屧也。 又《集韻》同都切,音屠。義同。
Englishto repair shoes, the front part of a shoe, (same as 鞹 U+979F) leather; hides with the hair removed康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】䩹
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《廣韻》五陌切,音額。《玉篇》履頭也。《廣韻》補履。 又《廣韻》五革切《集韻》逆革切,𠀤音虉。《廣韻》履頭。《集韻》履首爲之䩹。 又《集韻》下革切,音覈。《博雅》補也。 又《集韻》各核切,音隔。義同。
English(same as 鼖) a big drum used in the army (in ancient times)康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】䩿
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