● 戚
qī ㄑㄧˉ
◎ 因婚姻联成的关系:亲戚。外戚。戚族。戚友。
◎ 忧愁,悲哀:戚然。凄戚。哀戚。休戚。
◎ 古代兵器,像斧。
◎ 姓。反义词休英文翻译◎ 戚
English(abbreviated form of 錢) money; cash, a unit of weight, a Chinese family name
● 戧
qiāng ㄑㄧㄤˉ
● 戕
qiāng ㄑㄧㄤˉ
◎ 杀害:戕害。自戕。戕杀。英文翻译◎ 戕
● 戗
qiāng ㄑㄧㄤˉ
◎ 逆,反方向:戗风。戗水。
◎ (言语)冲突:两个人说戗了。
● 戵
qú ㄑㄩˊ
◎ 古代戟一类的兵器。
● 戎
róng ㄖㄨㄥˊ
◎ 古代兵器的总称。
◎ 军队,军事:兵戎。投笔从戎(指文人从军)。戎装。戎马。
◎ 古代称兵车:御戎。
◎ 大:戎功。
◎ 称(方言,音如“农”):“戎有良翰”。
◎ 中国古代称西部民族:西戎。戎狄。
◎ 姓。英文翻译◎ 戎
army military affairs
Englisha lance with two points, a halberd with a crescent -shaped blade; weapons used in ancient times, to stimulate; to provoke; to excite; to irritate, to point with the index finger and the middle finger; to describe angry or an awe-inspiring display of military force, etc., masculine; heroic; brave, (in general) shart points and edges of weapons康熙字典【卯集中】【戈字部】㦺
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● 戍
shù ㄕㄨˋ
◎ 军队防守:卫戍。戍边。戍守。英文翻译◎ 戍
defend garrison
Englisha wooden piles used as a cable to make immovable of a boat康熙字典【卯集中】【戈字部】㦼
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