拼音:huái yùn
拼音:huái yùn
注 音:ㄏㄨㄞˊ ㄧㄨㄣˋ
◎ 怀孕 huáiyùn
[conception;gestation] 卵子受精后形成活的合子;孕育产生子代的过程
1.(妇女或雌性哺乳动物怀胎) be [become] pregnant; conceive; be (heavy) with child; be in the family way; be in her time; be with young; be expecting; be great with child; be in an interesting condition; in trouble; be knocked up; be in a delicate condition; conception; gestation; impregnation
谓妇女或雌性哺乳动物受精有胎。《东观汉记·张奂传》:“其妻怀孕。”《隋书·刑法志》:“女子怀孕者,勿得决罚。”《警世通言·宋小官团圆破毡笠》:“ 宜春 怀孕日满,产下一女。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十八:“怀孕不宜多运动是传统的错谬信仰。”