  • ài
    Englishsyrup; jelly-like sugar made from grains, to hiccough; to hiccup, (same as 餲) cooked food which has turned sour康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䬵 ·康熙筆画:15 ·部外筆画:6 《廣韻》古哀切《集韻》柯開切,𠀤音該。飴也。 又《廣韻》於戒切《集韻》乙界切,𠀤音噫。《廣韻》通食氣也。 又《集韻》與餲同。
  • bǎn
    Englishcakes made of rice flour康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䬳 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:5 《廣韻》博管切《集韻》補滿切,𠀤音粄。《玉篇》屑米餠。《廣韻》與粄䉽同。《南史·齊衡陽王鈞傳》鈞所生母病,便加慘悴。左右依常以五色䬳飴之,不肯食,或麥麫,或屑米爲之。
  • bǎo
    English(same as 飽) to eat to the full; surfeited康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䭋 ·康熙筆画:18 ·部外筆画:9 《正字通》與飽𩜿𠀤同。《路史》民食鳥獸之肉,有不能䭋者飮其血。
  • bèn
    Englishcoarse grains such as corn, millet, etc.; simple food康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䬱 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:5 《集韻》部本切,音獖。粗食。
  • bó,fù
    English(same as 餺) a kind of cooked noodle康熙字典【備考】【戌集】【食字部】䬪 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:4 《字彙補》與餺同。
  • Englishcakes; biscuits; pastry, (same as 餺) cooked food made of rice flour康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䭦 ·康熙筆画:26 ·部外筆画:17 《玉篇》同餺。
  • cǎn,tí
    Englishclarfied butter (regarded as symbol of Buddhist wisdom or truth), cream cheese, to sponge on others; to board康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䬫 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:5 《廣韻》杜奚切,音啼。《玉篇》䬫餬也。《廣韻》寄食也。 又《廣韻》都奚切《集韻》都黎切,𠀤音低。義同。
  • cháo,zàn,zuò
    English(ancient form of 饡) to put the thick soup or broth on top of the rice (same as 饘) thick congee or porridge康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䬤 ·康熙筆画:12 ·部外筆画:3 《玉篇》古文饡字。註詳十九畫。 又《集韻》諸延切,音旃。與饘同。糜也。
  • chuáng,nè
    English(same as standard form U+5647) to eat, to eat heavily; to eat without limits康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䭚 ·康熙筆画:21 ·部外筆画:12 《廣韻》宅江切《集韻》《韻會》傳江切,𠀤音幢。《廣韻》喫貌。《集韻》食無廉也。或作噇。
  • English(same as 餈 粢 躄) rice cakes, rice to offered as sacrifice, the grains康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】䭣 ·康熙筆画:23 ·部外筆画:14 《集韻》同餈。