● 揫
jiū ㄐㄧㄡˉ
◎ 聚集:“揫敛九薮之动物。”
◎ 束。
◎ 细小。
◎ 固。
◎ 古通“揪”:“忍终教束手囹圄,急提防劈面揫拖。”
Englishto feel or touch with hands; to hold, to lay the hand on, to cover康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㧕
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Englishto be in full possession of; to grasp, to beat cruelly; to beat brutally; to beat severely康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㩆
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《集韻》卽就切,音僦。攬也。 又就六切,音蹴。極擊也。
● 挙
jǔ ㄐㄩˇ
◎ 古同“举”。
● 擧
jǔ ㄐㄩˇ
◎ 同“举”。
English(a variant of 據) to receive, as communications from a subordinate, to rely on, to lean on, evidence; proof, according to; whereas
English(a variant of 據) to receive, as communications from a subordinate, to rely on, to lean on, evidence; proof, according to; whereas
·康熙筆画:22 ·部外筆画:18
《唐韻》居玉切《集韻》拘玉切,𠀤音鋦。《說文》爪持也。《徐鉉曰》今俗別作掬,非。《集韻》或作攫。 又《集韻》權俱切,音劬。㩴疎,枝葉敷布貌。○按《太𤣥經》从木作欋。《正字通》从瞿,非匊音。爪持卽攫義,當是攫字譌省。
Englishto select; to choose; to pick out, to lift; to carry on the shoulders -- of two or more men, to wipe out, to brush over lightly, to carry; to take or bring along at one's convenience, to cut; to par; to trim; to shave康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㩱
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English(simplified form of U+64D3) to wipe; to scrub; to rub, to dust; to clean, (a dialect) to scratch with fingers lightly, (a dialect) to carry on the arm